Dental Implant
IN Bangkok
If you are missing one or more teeth and wish to eat your favorite foods, increase your chewing ability, and improve your appearance, speech, and self-esteem, then you are a candidate for dental implants. A dental implant replaces the root of a missing tooth and is made from surgical-grade titanium alloy (Ti 6Al-4V ELI) to exacting specifications. Initially, the implant is placed into the jawbone either immediately after the loss of a tooth, or after an extended period of time. If there is insufficient bone, various bone enhancing procedures can be performed prior to the implant placement. An abutment, which acts as a base for a prosthetic tooth replacement such as a crown, is inserted into the implant at the time of implant placement, or subsequently after a period of healing.
In the past, dentists would try to keep or replace teeth with treatments such as root canals, bridges, and fixed or removable dentures. Unfortunately, a significant number of root canal treated teeth fail, bridges require that healthy adjacent teeth be cut down and removable dentures can often be unstable and require the use of sticky adhesives. Dental implants are a solution to these problems, and many of the concerns associated with natural teeth are eliminated, including dental decay.
It is important to make an appointment to discuss your visit before visiting Bangkok Dental Spa.
This is to make sure you plan your trip to Thailand with enough time to complete the work.
Implant cases take 2 trips to Thailand, and at least 2 appointments per trip
Example of a visit plan for getting Dental Implants
- First Trip to Thailand
Appointment 1
Consult and xray with dental specialist to create a treatment plan specific to you. Finalize the plan and start treatment
Appointment 2
Implant surgery (implant Fixation) approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the case.
Appointment 3
Optional check-up appointment
At least 2 months gap to allow proper healing bone formation around the implants and make sure that you will have the strong implant before we loading with crown or chewing food
- Second Trip to Thailand
Fixation and insertion of abutment and permanent porcelain crown on implant between 3 – 5 days in most cases.
This is only an example. Visit plan and time needed differs among cases as it is dependent on teeth condition, number of implants, difficulty of the case design and material or final plan etc.